An Exuberant Case of Cutaneous Larva Migrans

  • Felipe Tavares Rodrigues Estudante de Medicina - Escola de Medicina e Cirurgia do Rio de Janeiro - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO, Brasil
  • Patrícia Gomes Aziz Silva Médica formada pela Escola de Medicina e Cirurgia do Rio de Janeiro - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO, Brasil.
  • Antônio Macedo D´Acri Professor da Escola de Medicina e Cirurgia do Rio de Janeiro, Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO, Brasil.
  • Carlos José Martins Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO.
Keywords: Brazil, Larva Migrans, Skin Diseases


Cutaneous larva migrans (CML) is a dermatozoonosis characterized by a rash of erythematous lesions, usually prominent, papulo-vesiculous, linear or serpiginous, and most often pruritic. It is caused by penetration and intraepidermal migration of three possible species of nematode larvae. The highest rates of transmission occur in tropical coastal regions, where larvae can migrate freely in sandy soils and where hot temperatures and humidity are ideal for their viability. A case of a 51-year-old male patient who developed a pruritic skin rash on the back, flank, iliac fossa and lower limb on the right is reported. The injuries appeared about seven days after the practice of sport and leisure on turf field. After reviewing the scientific literature, we analyzed the epidemiological, parasitological, clinical, laboratory and therapeutic aspects inherent to the topic of cutaneous larva migrans. It is a common dermatological disease in tropical and subtropical countries, being very important its prompt recognition and therapeutic management for rapid cure with low morbidity.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, F. T., Aziz Silva, P. G., D´AcriA. M., & Martins, C. J. (2019). An Exuberant Case of Cutaneous Larva Migrans. Journal of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, 77(2), 161-164.
Case Reports