Evaluation of Depression and Anxiety Disorders and Correlation with the Treatment of Patients with Psoriasis Vulgaris
Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory multisystemic disease with several comorbidities, namely anxiety and depression disorders.
Methods: In this study, the prevalence of these psychiatric entities was investigated by the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 questionnaries and related to the socio-demographic variables and to the forms of clinical treatment.
Results: A total of 90 patients (56 females) were analyzed. Of these, 41 patients (45.56%) used topical treatment only, 28 patients (31.11%) used oral methotrexate and 21 patients (23.33%) used immunobiological agents (anti-TNF-alfa agents). It was observed that 47 patients (52.23%) presented some degree of depression (mild, moderate or severe) and 53 patients (58.89%) presented some degree of anxiety disorder (mild, moderate or severe). There was no statistical relationship between the anxiety and depression scores and the PASI score, as well as age, employability or schooling. There was a statistical association between psychiatric comorbidities and the female gender (p <0.0001). It was also observed a lower prevalence of depression (p = 0.0336) on patients using immunobiological treatments.
Conclusion: The findings confirm published data, showing association of psychiatric conditions with psoriasis, especially in relation to TNF-alpha, so that anti-TNF therapies may become an alternative for the treatment of depression or anxiety disorders associated with psoriasis.
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