The Impact of Skin Diseases in Hospital Care and the Contributions of Dermatology
Introduction: Skin diseases show a high prevalence in hospital settings. Hospitalized patients with associated dermatoses present a higher mortality risk than individuals without skin conditions, reinforcing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.
Methods: A systematic review was performed in five databases Medline, SciELO, LILACS, Web of Science and Scopus, using the keywords “Inpatients” AND “Dermatology”, covering the period from 2010 to 2020. Then a narrative review was conducted through the authors’ selection of relevant references about hospital dermatology, including review articles, books, and other publications.
Results: Based on search strategy, we found 166 publications of which 26 studies were eligible for inclusion in the study. From this literature review, we analysed dermatoses frequencies among hospitalized patients and the types of dermatological care. Dermatological diseases constitute important pathologies in hospitals, with infectious and drug eruptions as the most prevalent skin diseases.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that dermatological diseases are highly frequent among hospitalized patients. Most studies corroborate the contribution of Dermatology for hospital care.
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