Pharmacological Therapies in Acne vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is a chronic disease of the pilosebaceous unit characterized by cutaneous polymorphism, representing one of the most prevalent diseases in adolescence. It can lead to physical sequelae, such as disfiguring scars, and psychological, with a decreased quality of life and psychosocial function. Thus, an effective therapeutic strategy is essential in order to promote its resolution and minimize sequelae. Nowadays, there are several available drugs, but their choice requires biopsychosocial assessment of the patient. Recent studies have shown promising new therapeutic agents, as alternatives to topical retinoids, oral isotretinoin, oral antiandrogens, and antibiotics, which would allow a reduction in antibiotic resistance and a consequent increase in efficacy with a substantial reduction in adverse effects. Increasing security and tolerability of new drugs would improve the current approach of acne treatment.
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