• Carlos Gustavo Carneiro de Castro Sócio efetivo da Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia/Dermatologist certified by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology
  • Dayana Monteiro Coutinho Aluna/Medical Student, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brasil
  • Aline Serruya Aluna do 6º ano de Medicina do FTESM/Medical Student of FTESM, Brasil
  • Fernanda Lourenço Prestes Graduada em Medicina/Medical Graduated, UNESA. Pós Graduação em Saúde da Família pelo UNASUS/UERJ, Brasil
  • Lara Braga Aluna do 6º ano de Medicina do FTESM/Medical Student of FTESM, Brasil
  • Glaura Tinoco Plata Sócio efetivo da Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia/Dermatologist certified by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology
Keywords: Dermoscopy, Hand dermatoses, Skin diseases


Lichen striatus is a papulous dermatosis with low prevalence, affecting mainly children and it is more frequent on the female population. Clinically, it evolves with abrupt onset with erythematous violaceous or hypopigmented papules, generally with non-pruritic and with unilateral distribution, with predilection for the extremities, following the Bhlaschko lines. We report a case of lichen striatus with atypical features and in this case, in addition to the histopathological exam, dermoscopy was useful on the diagnostic evaluation.


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How to Cite
Carneiro de Castro, C. G., Monteiro Coutinho, D., Serruya, A., Lourenço Prestes, F., Braga, L., & Tinoco Plata, G. (2015). DERMOSCOPY FINDINGS IN LICHEN STRIATUS. Journal of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, 73(1), 109-113.
Dermatoscopy Article