Angolan Project of Formation and Development of Dermatology: Advances and Challenges
Introduction: Despite the burden of skin disorders and their physical, psychological and social repercussions, the development of Dermatology and the training of technicians in this discipline face serious challenges in Angola, with a negative impact on the access and quality of care and services provided to the population.
Methods: A retrospective study of the Dermatology Training and Development Project was carried out. The Project, launched in 2010 with the support of the Ministry of Health and the Angolan College of Dermatology and Venereology (CADV), aims at increasing the number of dermatologists and the access of patients to clinical referral services. Data on the training activities, other gains and limitations of the Project are presented.
Results: Up to 2013, the residency in Dermatology was confined to a single Service in Luanda, which trained eight dermatologists from 1975 to 2013. Five new Regional Dermatology services were opened in 2013 in Cabinda, Malange, Huambo, Benguela and Huíla. As a result the total number of residents in Dermatology increased to 26 in 2017.
Conclusion: In the context of Angola, the decentralization of clinical training services, the periodic update of the postgraduate training program and the active promotion of research attitudes and activities are key factors for the development of Dermatology and the provision of referral services closer to the populations.
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