• Rita Belo Morais Médica Interna de Pediatria Médica/Resident of Medical Pediatrics, Serviço de Pediatria/Pediatrics Department, Hospital de São Francisco Xavier - CHLO, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Margarida Valério Médica Interna de Pediatria Médica/Resident of Medical Pediatrics, Serviço de Pediatria/Pediatrics Department, Hospital de São Francisco Xavier - CHLO, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Cristina Amaro Assistente Hospitalar de Dermatologia e Venereologia/Consultant of Dermatology, Serviço de Dermatologia e Venereologia/Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Hospital de Curry Cabral - CHLC, Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Child, Child abuse, sexual, Condylomata acuminata, Papillomavirus infections


Anogenital warts (AGW) are benign tumors of the skin and mucosal epithelium caused by human papilloma virus infection. There is a growing prevalence of anogenital warts in the pediatric population, resulting from vertical transmission, auto or heteroinoculation. The diagnosis is primarily clinical and biopsy is reserved for doubtful diagnosis. Most lesions resolve spontaneously over time but recurrence is frequent, even after treatment, so watchful waiting is a valid option. The possibility of sexual abuse in children with anogenital warts represents a challenge in clinical practice. Most authors consider that the diagnosis of sexual abuse relies mainly on a complete anamnesis, a skilled interviewer and a thorough physical examination. There is general consensus that the probability of abuse increases with the child’s age, especially over 5 years of age. For children under 2 years, nonsexual human papilloma virus transmission should be strongly considered, in the absence of traumatic signs, other sexually transmitted diseases or a consistent history of abuse. However, sexual abuse cannot be ruled out at any age, so a careful follow-up is required, considering all the previously mentioned factors.


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How to Cite
Belo Morais, R., Valério, M., & Amaro, C. (2015). ANOGENITAL WARTS IN CHILDREN – A CHALLENGING DIAGNOSIS. Journal of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, 73(1), 97-104.
Pediatric Dermatology