Cutaneous Histoplasmosis in AIDS Patient: Case Report

  • A. Kombo Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Central de Maputo, Maputo, Moçambique
  • I. Monteiro Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Central de Maputo, Maputo, Moçambique
  • N. César Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Central de Maputo, Maputo, Moçambique
  • G. Catorze Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital de Egas Moniz, Lisboa, Portugal
  • M. Henriques Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Central de Maputo, Maputo, Moçambique
  • R. Manuel Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Central de Maputo, Maputo, Moçambique
  • A. Cunha Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Central de Maputo, Maputo, Moçambique
  • G. Luciano Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Central de Maputo, Maputo, Moçambique
Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections, Dermatomycoses, Histoplasmosis


This report describes a case of disseminated cutaneous histoplasmosis in a 30 years old black woman, born and living in Mozambique, with disseminated eruptive multiple papules, some of them with erosions, localized also in palms, plants and oropharyngeal mucosa. The HIV 2 test was positive and the CD4 count was 1 cel/mm3. Histopathology was compatible with infection by Histoplasma capsulatum. She was treated with amphotericin B during 21 days, with clinical improvement, followed by oral fluconazole 400 mg/day and antiretroviral, but she died 13 months later from gastroenteritis.



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How to Cite
Kombo, A., Monteiro, I., César, N., Catorze, G., Henriques, M., Manuel, R., Cunha, A., & Luciano, G. (2018). Cutaneous Histoplasmosis in AIDS Patient: Case Report. Journal of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, 76(1), 83-86.
Case Reports