• Renata Pinto Fernandes Timbó Médica estagiária / Resident, Policlínica Geral do Rio de Janeiro; Graduada pela Faculdade de Medicina de Juazeiro do Norte, CE, Brasil
  • Aline Sarkis dos Santos Médica estagiária / Resident, Policlínica Geral do Rio de Janeiro; Graduada pela Universidade Severino Sombra, Vassouras, RJ, Brasil
  • Carolina Degen Meotti Médica especialista em Dermatologia / Specialist of Dermatology pela Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, formada pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Residência na Instituição de ensino Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, Brasil
  • Fernando da Fonseca Oliveira Acadêmica de Medicina / Medical Academic, Universidade do Grande Rio, RJ, Brasil
  • Karen Elfrith Benicio Lira Médica estagiária/ Resident, Policlínica Geral do Rio de Janeiro/ Resident of General Medicine; Graduada pela Universidade Gama Filho, RJ, Brasil
  • Nathalia Freire da Silva Médica graduada / Medical Doctor, Fundação Osvaldo Aranha, Volta Redonda, RJ, Brasil
  • Nathalie Marques Silva Médica estagiária / Resident, Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro; Graduada pela Faculdade de Saúde e Ecologia Humana, Vespasiano, MG, Brasil
  • Paulo Henrique Cordeiro de Oliveira Acadêmico de Medicina / Medical Academic, Universidade do Grande Rio, RJ, Brasil
  • Tábata de Fátima Carneiro Monteiro Médica graduada / Medical Doctor, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil


Introduction: Sweet’s syndrome is a neutrophilic dermatosis with acute cutaneous lesions as erythematous edematous plaques and nodules. Other alterations include fever, peripheral leukocytosis, arthralgia, myalgia, cephalea and ophthalmic, oral cavity and internal organs involvement. The purpose of this article is to discuss the clinical condition of the patient, as well as the diagnostic criteria, the approach used to investigate possible associated condi- tions and the different forms of treatment.

Case Report: It is about a 45-year old white woman with idiopathic Sweet’s syndrome treated with glucocorticoids. Physical examination revealed erythematous and edematous plaques with pseu- dovesicular appearance on the face, trunk, upper and lower limbs. Histopathology revealed edema, dense neutrophilic infiltrate, leukocytoclasia and extravasation of erythrocytes in the upper dermis.

Discussion: Sweet’s syndrome it might be related to the use of medication, pregnancy, inflammation, infection or malignancy. The most commonly associated neoplasias consist of hematological malignancies, particularly acute myeloid leukemia. Although glucocorticoids cons- titute the treatment of choice for Sweet’s syndrome, other therapeutic options exist.

KEYWORDS – Sweet syndrome; Paraneoplastic syndromes; Skin diseases. 


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How to Cite
Timbó, R. P. F., dos Santos, A. S., Meotti, C. D., Oliveira, F. da F., Lira, K. E. B., da Silva, N. F., Silva, N. M., de Oliveira, P. H. C., & Monteiro, T. de F. C. (2013). SWEET’S SYNDROME - CASE REPORT AND REVIEW OF HOW TO INVESTIGATE AND TREAT. Journal of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, 71(1), 79-84. https://doi.org/10.29021/spdv.71.1.127
Case Reports