Scleredema adultorum of Buschke (SAB) is a rare connective tissue disease characterized by non-pitting induration of the skin. Histologically there is thickening of the dermis with large collagen fibers separated by deposits of mucopolysaccharids.
A 51-year-old male patient, with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, progressively developed in a 5-year period, a di- ffuse cutaneous infiltration with ill-defined limits on the posterior neck, upper half of the trunk and proximal limbs, with marked skin stiffness and a significantly reduced mobility of the shoulder girdles and neck.
The diagnosis of SAB was confirmed by histological examination. Other complementary exams did not reveal significant changes, allowing the diagnosis of the third subtype of SAB - diabeticorum. The patient was treated with phototherapy, initially with UVA1 without any benefit, and later with an experimental therapeutic modality of PUVA1 with significant clinical improvement, allowing the patient to dress himself.
KEYWORDS – Scleredema Adultorum; Diabetes Mellitus; Phototherapy; PUVA Therapy.
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