Diagnostic Accuracy of Dermoscopy in Melanocytic Lesions: Retrospective Study with Histological Correlation
Introduction: Dermoscopy is an in vivo, non-invasive technique that is widely used as a complementary method for the study of pigmented skin lesions and enables the early diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopy and to extend the dermoscopy-histopatholoy correlations.
Methods: Retrospective study using the database of the Dermoscopy and Pigmented Lesions Clinic and the database of the Histology of the Dermatology Department of CHUC. Each melanocytic lesion was evaluated according to multiple dermoscopic and histopathological parameters. The agreement between diagnoses and between the evaluated parameters was determined.
Results: The malignant/benign ratio was 1:9.2. The agreement between the dermoscopic and histologic diagnoses was fair. The agreement for melanoma was excellent and dermoscopy showed 92.9% sensitivity and 96.9% specificity for this diagnosis. There was agreement between a reticular pattern and the presence of bridging of rete ridges and cytological atypia; globular pattern and the presence of nests; atypical network and presence of fibrosis and cytological atypia; blotches and pigmented parakeratosis; blue-whitish veil and fibrosis.
Conclusion: In spite of some limitations and unexpected findings, many of the results of the present study are concordant with the literature, showing a high sensitivity and specificity of dermoscopy in the diagnosis of melanoma, which results in improvement in early diagnosis without increasing the total number of excisions of pigmented lesions.
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